With Summer over it's time for BACK TO SCHOOL!!
This year brings all the feels though, as it is the first year of real school for Joey! My baby starts Kindergarten and it makes me so sad and yet happy at the same time! I'm so happy and excited for him to start and meet new people he will be friends with until most likely high school, but at the same time so sad my baby is growing up and not a baby anymore!
On his first day - Monday, he only had a half day. We chose the morning session. It was more to get acclimated without the hustle and bustle of all the older kids. He was walked into school with his teachers and learned where to go when he enters in the morning. They had a snack, went over a few things and pretty much just that for the day. I picked him up around 11:30am and was so excited to see what he learned and did. I of course got the 'uggh I don't know' speech..
On Tuesday it was a big day in the Melchionna household, as Vinny also started in his new, older room too.
Both boys had great first (and second) days of school! They are excited for the school year!
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