As most mother's are getting ready or have sent their kids back to school, in the world of day care it is a little different timing. Joey technically is starting his new classroom so we are still celebrating 'back to school' with him, but we also are saying bye to our old infant room teachers. I found this graduation book on Pinterest and knew I wanted to start this for Joey.
I started by purchasing the book Oh The Places You'll Go by Dr. Seuss in a hardcover, so that it will last. I then found the matching tag in the dollar section at Target and printed my little question for his teacher on it. Lucky you, I created this printable below for you to print your own at home!
I plan on giving this book with little note to his teachers at the end of each year to write a little note. My hopes are to continue this all the way through til he graduates high school- which I can't even imagine that at this time!
I also gave all his teachers a personalized tumbler and gift card to Starbucks! I put them in bags with their names and attached this tag!
But wait, you can get your own download of this tag! Just simply write in your child's name!
Do you want to print your own note for the graduation book?
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