Friday, April 10, 2020

Easter Bunny Craft

We came up with a cute activity to incorporate both Vinny and Joey's footprints. It was so easy to put together and we know the grandparents will love to receive these since they aren't able to physically spend Easter with us.


Two Paper Plates (1 dinner size, 1 cake size)
Card Stock 
Googley Eyes (optional) 


Using paint, make your footprints on the card stock. You can use any color paint you want! While the paint dries, I used hot glue and put the paper plates together. I then glued the googley eyes on with glue stick, but you can draw them on if you don't have any. Make a nose and a mouth with crayon, marker, or colored pencils. Make a bow with ribbon and glue between the two plates. Cut out your footprints and glue onto the plates. Don't forget to write your child's name and age onto the plates, so you can remember when it was made!
 photo signature.png

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