Well we made it through the week and it's time for another Five on Friday, so let's get down to it!
one. I received this picture from my mom of Joey playing on their patio in his water table. I got a kick out of his swim trunks since it's Shark Week and he's sitting in a Landshark chair. It's the little things!! He loves playing with water.. that includes in Charger's water bowl as well
two. Don't mind the grainy mirror Iphone picture, but I received this dress in my unlimited order this week and I love it! It is perfect for work with heels or even flats. I paired it in the office with a black cardigan as well since the air condition blasts through the building.
three. I haven't blogged about this yet, but two weeks ago, we put our house on the market. I had all hopes it would sell in the first few days since we put so much work into it and I think it shows so well. We've had many showings, but the general opinion is 'it's too small for our growing family' or 'the parking situation is too tight' or 'great showing, but need bigger backyard' it's getting old real fast. Earlier this week we planted our St. Joseph's Statue and hoping this little guy will bring us good luck. For all of those that want to know where we are moving too.. to be continued, because honestly we don't know yet either. Stay tuned.
four. This kid LOVED his first Big Time carnival. Technically it was his second, but last year he was only a few months old and kinda just laid there!! His shirt I had made was the hit!
five. If you haven't already there is still time to enter the giveaway to win $100 toward a JORD Watch!! I have literally worn mine everyday since receiving it! Enter HERE!
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