Monday, July 30, 2018

A Day In The Life | Working Mom

I've had some requests to write a post about how I balance all my daily life happenings and I've kinda just been putting it off. Not that I don't want to share my life with you all, but no judgement, because even though it may look it, we really don't have all our ducks in a row!

but, since y'all requested, here is a day in the life of our un-glamorous life! Some days are more hectic then others, but this is an average day for us.

6:00-6:30am | Wake up, if Joey is still sleeping, stay in bed until 6:30 and check emails, social media, messages from previous night that I fell asleep before answering (because I can't hang).

6:30am | Jump in the shower while Joe let's Charger outside to do his business. Joey will usually start waking up at this point, but will play in his crib for a little.

7:00am | Get Joey dressed for the day. Monday & Wednesday he gets to stay in PJ's since he goes to Grammy and Poppy's, Tuesday he goes to a family friend and Thursday & Friday he goes to school. 

7:15am |  Let Joey play upstairs in his room and ours while I finish getting ready. He will bring me every book out of his bin by this time. So cleaning up is also required during this time! Joe will have coffee waiting for me on the kitchen counter (what a keeper)

7:30am | Head downstairs to get breakfast. Monday & Wednesday we usually are heading out the door at this point to go to my parents (1/2 hour away) and Joey gets breakfast at their house. Tuesday, Thursday & Friday; Joey will get frozen pancakes or waffles, mini muffins or english muffin along with yogurt or a fruit pouch and whole milk. 
8:00am | Clean Joey off from his breakfast, let Charger and Joey play in the living room with Doc McStuffin's on Disney Junior, while  I finish packing lunches, drinking my coffee and wrangling all my work stuff. 

8:30am | Head to school drop-off (Thursday & Friday) or work. If Joe's schedule allows he will bring Joey and I will try and head to the office early and stop by Starbucks for my usual Iced Vanilla Coffee.

9:00am | Start the work day. Usually by this time I will make another coffee if I don't have time to stop for one. Open up a granola bar, or something I packed from home and check my million emails. 

9:00- 5:00pm | Not going to bore you with all the work stuff, but usually involves, emails, meetings, phone calls, etc. and if you are wondering what I exactly do full time, I'll share that in a post another time. Because, I've gotten some requests for that also!

5:00pm | If Joe is able to pick up Joey from my parents or school, I'll stop at the grocery store, run some errands, or even treat myself to a manicure or pedicure after work. However, this is very rare, as Joe's schedule is kinda all over the place with events, especially in the summer (He's a beer sales person!). 

5:30pm | Pick up Joey from my parents or school and head home. 

6:00pm | Hang out with Charger and Joey and play outside or in the living room before starting dinner. Typically we like grilling in the summer, so Joe will prepare the grill and I'll give Joey dinner.

6:45pm | Joey eats dinner and will play some more while we finish preparing our dinner. 

7:00pm | We sit down to eat dinner. Usually we let Joey watch a tv show, trucks on youtube or sit him in his high chair while we eat with a book. If he's sitting with us, I usually end up giving almost half of what I'm eating to him to try.. which he ends of loving.

7:30pm | Bath time followed by bed time! 

8:00pm | Joe will usually jump in the shower and I'll  throw on my pj's and catch up on social media and blogging or orders for a little. 

9:00pm | Catch up on some tv shows on the DVR. Anyone else counting down until the Chicago shows come back on!! I usually don't last long and will end up going to bed around 10 or 10:30.

10:30pm | Take Charger upstairs with and get ready for bed. Will check out a little more social media and ultimately end up going to sleep about 5 minutes after laying in bed!

See I told you it wasn't that eventful! But because you got this far. Here is a cute picture of Joey eating a chocolate chip pancake!
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