Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Sales Lately- Amazon Prime Day

Happy Amazon Prime Day! What is it? Well if you have an amazon account you prolly have seen the advertisements and pushes to get you signed up for a prime account. With your prime account there are a bunch, no I mean A LOT of deals today only that you can scoop up. Below are some of the things I already purchased or have my eye on!  It's first come first serve and they only have a limited stock to sell at these prices. So my advise is if you see something, don't keep it in your basket.. purchase immediately!! 

Air Tight Bags
Storage Bin
Coffee Maker
Outdoor Movie Screen

So is there anything in particular you are looking for during Prime Day?
 photo d27c6805-c1e5-4cd1-9b33-6c4c09b4c046_zps6728e83e.png

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