Monday, August 11, 2014

8 Inches Later

So something BIG happened this weekend. That's right friends.. I got my hair CHOPPED off! Literally. I booked an appointment early Saturday morning knowing I wanted something different. Well after taking a deep breathe in.. and before photos, my hair dresser Jessie began her work. 8 inches later I was teary eyed, but knew I was gonna love it!

My hair has always been long.. except for the time Senior year of high school I decided to get it cut uber short during softball season (stupid idea- I was the catcher so needed to wear my hear up). So short the only way I could put it back, is to put it in a parted tiny set of pigtails. But I needed a change, and was so ready to stop being asked if I was 16!

So what do you guys think?? The first picture is after I washed and styled it myself. I am loving it so far!
 photo d27c6805-c1e5-4cd1-9b33-6c4c09b4c046_zps6728e83e.png

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