Thursday, February 20, 2014

Snow>> GO AWAY!

Lately, I haven't been myself, mostly this is in part to the amounts of snow, freezing rain, and ice we have been getting. I'm not gonna lie, it is very hard getting out of my warm bed in the morning especially looking out the window and seeing nothing but covered cars, mounds of snow and hearing plows constantly.  You know it's getting bad when your 'snow dog' aka Siberian Husky doesn't want to leave the house!

Oh and let's talk about the grocery store right before a storm shall we.. 
But really, who needs to buy that much cereal and oatmeal?? The best time to go grocery shopping I have come to the conclusion is when it just starts snowing or just finished! That is IF anything is left for you..

On the brighter side, it is suppose to be almost 60 this weekend.. yay 60!!! And we are almost to end of gloomy February- double YAY!! However, just like that all hopes are shot down, because we are suppose to return to a polar vortex next week.. #sadface

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