Friday, January 10, 2014

Fun Four Friday

Hello darlings! It's that time of week again.. it's Friday, Friday, gotta get down on Friday!! No? Too much? Well any way.. hope you had a great week! Here are some highlights from mine!
1. All day Saturday I couldn't wait to watch my Eagles fly to VICTORY. Well it turns out they fell. End of story.  At least the bar we watched it at handed out green shots every time they scored!
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2. It is below freezing and I mean literally in the negatives here in PA!! There are weather advisories saying you need to stay inside your house and when you go outside, make sure everything is covered or you can get frost bite from just a few minutes- UM WHAT! I didn't realize I live in the Arctic all of a sudden! I snapped a picture of my car temp outside.. this was the HIGH for the day. EW.
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3. Since it's been so cold and snowy/rainy.. I decided a new pair of Hunter Boots were exactly what I needed. A little winter treat to myself!
4. With limited weekend time between working three jobs.. I decided we need to throw a party! Now we just need a date for it when I'm free and it's all set! Details to come!

Hope your weekend is a little warmer then mine will be :o)

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