Thursday, March 7, 2013

DIY: Polka dot, gold, and glitter

Three of my favorite things.. Gold, glitter, & polka dots! I originally got the idea from HERE but wanted to add my own taste to it. I added in the black glitter and kept the gold color flat. I also liked the idea of putting more of a polka dot feeling on the canvas instead of just confetti. See how I made this polka dot canvas below! 

1.Chose what size canvas you want to use.. I wanted a larger one since I plan on leaning it on one of my dressers. 
2. Pick the colors you want to use and the style. I used black glitter and a metallic sharpie for the gold! 

 3. Since I don't own a round hole cutter/punch I manually cut out the circles using the tops of my Martha Stewart paint pouncers

4. For the glitter I used basic Elmer's glue and sprinkled the black glitter to cover all of it. I then colored in the gold ones using the metallic sharpie. 

5. Cut out the shapes using either a carpentars knife or gold old fashion scissors

6. Using either glue or rubber cement place the dots on the canvas in the formation you want. And that's it!! 
Very simple and I love the texture & 3D of the canvas!!

Hope you enjoy!


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