Friday, July 22, 2016

Five on Friday

TGIF! This was a hectic week for me.. If you follow me on snapchat (amstone10) you have seen our progress of our sunroom. I feel like the order in our house is completely off. I know the reward will be great in the end with a whole different room complete with heat and electric, but boy is it a mess! Charger can't run around without picking up a screw, piece of metal or wood. So we've been taking him for more walks and in the front of the house. He's so confused as to what's going on in the back of the house!

Anyway, here are a few highlights from the week! 

Dress,  wedges (similar)
one. This weekend, we went to dinner for a friends birthday celebration. While Joe was on the hunt to collect all the Pokemon he could find, I enjoyed spending time with friends I don't see that often.

two.  Charger received his latest Bark Box shipment. His new favorite toy.. this sumo looking man that I think is hilarious! 

after day 1

after day 2
three. Like I said before our sunroom renovation is trucking along quite nicely. But coming home to the site of one wall holding up the roof, was a little bit of a shock. Oh yea and there was a tornado warning that afternoon for our area too. Let's just say I was holding me breathe the whole drive home not knowing what I would find!

four. Slightly freaking out and this week and here is why.. So every year my hometown has a huge Italian celebration called the 'Big Time' (you can read all about it in the book here) Anyway, I was asked to take over the funnel cake stand since the man who has run it for the past 20 some years can't physically do it anymore- I know what you are thinking.. 'how hard could this be?' Well for a person for has anxiety, has never made a funnel cake in her life, let alone to sell to strangers, and just overall is scared of the hot oil- this is terrifying to me! Thursday night I met with the man in charge in the past and he tried to explain to me the process of making them and some tips. To be honest it made it worse. I cried the ride home from my parents house to mine which was about 40 minutes. I don't have enough workers to help me, I really don't know what I am doing, and feel as though I have no support behind me.
So yeah.. this shall be interesting. Why couldn't I just say NO! Well because when your priest asks you for help.. how can you say NO!!!

five. although my 'personal time' is far and few between since I'm always doing a million different things, I was able to enjoy a whole 20 minutes to myself! I snuggled into bed, caught up on a few blogs and of course indulges in my iced coffee!

Hope everyone has an exciting weekend and some fun plans. I'm going to the shore for the weekend with some friends and to Atlantic City, NJ!

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