Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Oscar Night Outfit!

So you didn't get your invite to attend the Oscars.. bummer. But you are invited to a party! Go YOU! Now you think what do I wear?? A ball gown?? A cocktail dress?? JEANS?? ahhh.. I would say your best bet is to talk to the host- assuming they are friends of yours that is! See what the attire is. Most likely on your invite it will say your attire, but if this isn't the case, you can't go wrong with a little black skirt and a blazer!
Oscar Night Outfit
Top / Blazer / Skirt / Pumps / Earrings / Necklace

But what if you didn't get invited to a party? Are you totally bummed and would love to throw one?? Well stick around because tomorrow I will be sharing my Oscar Party Night inspiration!
 photo heartssignature_zps360fcd0a.png

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