Monday, March 8, 2021

Saint Patrick's Day | How to Catch a Leprechaun

 Do you celebrate St. Patrick's Day in your house? Well I can tell you that our St Patty's day looks a whole lot different these days then it did say 12 years ago! No more keg & eggs, green beer and bar hopping for us, but one tradition we did start last year is setting our leprechaun trap.

If you haven't done this before, it's pretty easy and you can go as big or little as you want since it's your trap!  Last year Joey was really into it and couldn't wait until the morning to see if the leprechaun was in our trap, but to our surprise the little bugger got out and left a HUGE mess behind.

So before I dive into how we made it.. what is the story of this said leprechaun trap? Well this book may help: How to Trap a Leprechaun . We read it before we built ours so that made Joey really excited! Probably next year, we will read it to Vinny too, so that he understands it as well!

What you need to make your trap:

Shoe box- Cut whole in top

Props (Target dollar section- last year or print some out)


Makers,paint, stickers

Gold Coins 

Small Treat for Child

Directions for Trap:

Start by cutting the hole in your box that will trap your leprechaun. Last year in the dollar section at Target I found the cutest props to use. I of course saved them to use year after year, but if you can't find any, you can print or make your own! Paint or color the box so that you can't see the writing on it. I used mod podge and put glitter all over it too. Use your props to decorate and lure the leprechaun into the trap. 


On St. Patrick's Day morning, before the kids wake, be sure to bust a hole into you box and leave footprints and glitter trail to show he escaped! I left the boys a little bag each of gold coins (found in the dollar spot) to make believe he fled without his 'gold stash'. I served Lucky Charms for breakfast that morning, and even let the boys take some extra marshmallows!

This was last years trap after we tried to catch him, but somehow busted out!!

I love this tradition and the innocence it holds. I can't wait until Joey wakes up on St. Patrick's Day to see if we caught him!

Updated 3/17/2021:
We did not catch a leprechaun, but he did leave two bags of chocolate coins that the boys can enjoy!

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