Friday, April 24, 2020

Vincent Daniel | Three Months

Three months have now gone by with Vinny! I know they say the second child usually does things quicker, but boy is this little one advancing quickly! 

He can roll from his belly to back so easily, he can sit up assisted in his bumbo seat, hates being left alone (don't worry- I don't leave him completely alone.. I mean getting off the couch next to him to grab the remote or my coffee!!) and is trying his hardest to roll from back to belly.. but his arm gets stuck under him. 

Three Month: April 7, 2020
Weight: about 12lbs
Height:  inches
Diet:  formula
Sleeping:  about 8 hours per night, 
will eat and sleep another 2-3
Clothing Size:  3 months or 3-6 months
Diaper Size: size 2's

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