Friday, October 4, 2019

Halloween PJ's For Kids

I really enjoy Halloween. Not really because of all the scary stuff, but more because to me that's the kickoff to the holiday season. October flies by due to all the Fall events such as the pumpkin patches, and hay rides and trick or treating and then you are into November and December. Especially this year, I can not wait for the holiday's to get here, because that means baby boy is so close to his arrival!

Anyway, I am such a sucker for season and holiday themed pj's. So today I've rounded up some that I have already purchased for Joey and some that I thought were so cute! Most are gender neutral so you can reuse them for different kids as well!
1. Amazon
2. Amazon
3. Hannah Anderson
4. Hannah Anderson
5. Children's Place 
6. Children's Place
7. Target
8. Burt's Bees
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