Friday, August 2, 2019

Baby #2 | First Trimester Recap

I know I probably won't say this come 8 months pregnant and in the thick of holiday festivities, however, for now, I feel as though this pregnancy is flying by. I think it has a lot to do with Joey keeping me on my toes, as well as just enjoying the Summer time with him and Joe.

So here's a recap of my first Trimester:

Baby's due date: January 11, 2020
size of the baby: Kiwi
total weight gain: 6 lbs
gender: Unknown
movement: not yet, but I can feel my stomach start to get tighter
sleep: gaining more energy. Waking up numerous times a night and toss and turn.
missing: a drink by the pool! Since this is the first Summer in our new home, I would love to relax with a glass of wine, or a spiked seltzer by the pool.
craving: food in general- not sweets or sour, more like cheeseburgers, steak sandwiches, chicken entrees.
symptoms: Was sick for a few days, but seems to have gone away.
favorite moments: finding out I was pregnant, since we were trying! 
hardest moments: I know this is just gonna get a lot harder, but having the energy to keep up with Joey.
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