Monday, June 17, 2019

Fathers Day Weekend 2019

We had a very nice Father's Day weekend.  
Friday, Joe got to enjoy 'Donuts with Dad' at school in the morning and then at pick up he received two of the sweetest gifts made of Joey's hand prints and art work. 
At night, we decided to make a pack of chicken sausage we had from Trader Joe's as well as Au Gratin potatoes and veg out the rest of the night. Last weekend I started re-watching Game of Thrones from the first season, so Joe and I watched 2 episodes before getting to bed. We noticed Charger's eye had some discharge and kept itching it, but kept an watch for it over night.
Saturday morning we woke up early to head to one of our favorite breakfast spots, Mitzi's Table. We arrived at 8 am only to our surprise they didn't open until 8:30. We decided to drive around a little and then head back. When we got back there was actually a line outside waiting to get in. But we were lucky we got a table and hurried to order Joey some pancakes before he got H-ANGRY, which happens if does not have breakfast! Joey ate ALL his pancakes, I had the stuffed french toast with fresh strawberries and Joe had the Southern eggs Benedict. It was sooo good, I can't wait to go back. 

When we got home, Charger's eye had gotten significantly worse, so I called the vet to get him in. Two hours later and an emergency vet bill, it turns out his eye was just irritated most likely from rolling in the grass. We have to give him drops and an oral pill twice a day for two weeks, and especially when he's outside to wear the cone so he doesn't itch or irritate it more. 

The rest of Saturday we spent doing work around the house, cleaning and what not. Cait, Zack & Brayden came over later for a little swimming and ordered our favorite guilty pleasure- cheese steaks from Wiz Kids through GrubHub. We all hung out until it was bath and bed time for a the littles. Joe and I watched two more episodes of Game of Thrones and then went to bed. 

Sunday morning we woke up and gave Joe his father's day gifts. Joey picked out his card which had Nemo on it, and he was gifted a button down shirt with anchors on it- to match Joey's and a Chipotle gift card that Joey had hand picked last weekend while we were shopping! That little boy sure knows the way to daddy's heart. After breakfast I started prepping for lunch with my parents and Joe's dad and wife. I was busy making dips and what not, and turned around to find Joey putting on his fireman boots and waiting patiently at the door to join Joe outside. He wanted to help him rinse off the fence aka play with the 'fire hose' 

Joey took an early nap and woke up to some of his favorite people. We enjoyed steaks on the grill and some pool time, before the rain rolled in. 

It was a fun weekend and we are so lucky to have the best daddy to teach Joey as he gets older! Hope you all spent some time with your dad's and loved ones!

Previous Fathers Day's:

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