Monday, October 22, 2018

Quick and Easy Toddler Meals

Thankfully I don't have a picky eater on my hands, however getting Joey to sit down and engaged in what he's eating is another story. Most of the time, dinner needs to be quick and easy. When we bring Joey home from school he wants dinner and wants it right then. 
I'm going to share with you some quick things we give Joey is our food is not ready and we need to feed him right then! I want to note, as these things may not be the healtiest, but like I said before, these are easy and quick things we can throw in the toaster oven to feed Joey when he is HANgry!

Dino Chicken Nuggets, Halved Grapes, Potato Faces

Mac & Cheese Bites, Halved Grapes, Blueberries, Fruit Pouch

Grilled Cheese, Potato Faces, Animal Crackers

Peanut Butter & Jelly, Apple Pieces, Blueberries

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