This past weekend we had nothing particularly planned, which was perfect considering we have a teething toddler. On Thursday afternoon, I got a call from Joey's school he had a low grade fever, so after picking him up I brought him straight to the doctor. They told me it was probably just more of his teeth coming in and not to worry. Mortrin and extra cuddles it was!
Friday, Joey still was very cranky, so instead of going to school he went to grammy and poppy's house to stay with them for the day. He was feeling a lot better later in the night, so we met up with some friends at our new favorite brewery BirthRight for some yummy pizza's and appetizers.
Also on Friday, I decided to embrace my natural curls (however they are more wavy then curly anymore) and let my hair air dry before I went to bed. I sprayed amika undone texture spray while still a little damp and rolled it into my favorite hair towel and went to bed. When I woke up I used a little more texture spray to tame the frizzies and shot some heat to the middle of my head which of course was still wet even after sleeping on it all night.
Saturday morning we woke up and Joe went to get our
favorite breakfast sandwiches when I don't feel like cooking. I turned Joe onto avocado on sandwiches and now he's hooked too. My go to is an everything bagel with egg cheese and avocado. We decided to take a trip to North Jersey to go visit Joe's grandparents. First we stopped at Short Hills Mall because I wanted to grab a few new pair of shorts for myself. What did I leave with you ask.. oh you know... clothes from
Janie and Jack and an
alligator bath towel and bigger
lunch box for Joey. I did get a cute basic top in
Anthropolgie- I guess we can call that a win at least.
Sunday, Joe went golfing early with a bunch of his friends. Joey has very cranky and his poor little nose was running all day. We watched movies and cartoons, played, read books and when all else failed, I set up this giant tent inside! He loved it! We had a snack in there, played case around the outside and hide and go seek. Charger of course supervised because he was a little unsure about this all!
Hope you all had a great weekend!
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