Friday, March 23, 2018

Toy Story Party Favors DIY

It's no shocker that I love every part of a party. The invites, the favors, the decor.. it's all so fun to me. So when a friend asked me for help putting together a favor for her son's birthday party I jumped to the occasion. His theme was Toy Story, so staying within budget and simple, we put together a little favor for under $3.00!

The party was for a 3 year old, so we wanted items that they would be able to use now and no choking hazards. Even though the stamper is small, we figured it would be used with parents supervision. I added some additional items you can add to your favors if you are having older children at the party!

We made the favors based on 20 kids, but I'm sure with a little research you can get items in bulk or lesser amounts as needed!

Labels | Ash's Party Accents
Cello Bags | Hobby Lobby
Chocolate Coins | Amazon
Stamps | Amazon

Additional Items:
Sheriff Badge
Green Army Men
Mini Etch A Sketch

 photo signature.png

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