Wednesday, November 30, 2016

22 Weeks Update

22 Weeks Update:
size of the baby: Spaghetti Squash

total weight gain: 13 lbs

gender: BOY!

movement: some cramping when laying down. doctors said it is most likely the baby awake and trying to get comfortable

sleep: Still very tired, so going to bed early. Wake up numerous times a night and toss and turn to get comfortable.

missing: Wearing my normal jeans! I still haven't found a pair of maternity jeans that fit right.

craving: Mozzarella Sticks and meatballs for every meal!

symptoms: Haven't been sick in over a week.. thank god!

favorite momentsfinding out the sex and knowing baby boy is healthy and active!

hardest moments: Seeing my friends go out for casual drinks on thanksgiving eve.

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