Today's post is no fancy picture just the image below. Why is that you are wondering? Well I have to be honest and tell you that this week has felt like I got beat up by a big bully. I take things very personally and when people leave bad reviews or are unhappy with orders it really eats away at me.
As most of you know I run a small business on the side making custom party invites, cards, favors and decor along with many of things. This is not my full time job. I work primarily as a marketing coordinator and am a college cheeleading coach part time too. I finally scheduled a whole week vacation in which I went on a cruise to Bermuda. When I returned I got right down to work fulfilling custom orders and creating new designs. I had a order from a customer I rushed to make (not charging extra) in order to meet her deadline. Needless to say I stayed up countless extra hours to get all orders fulfilled, especially this particular one.
I was away at a trade show for my primary job earlier this week and received feedback from a customer saying she loved the items but wasn't expecting the item to be made like that. Now if you have ever been on my shop I give a full disclosure of what the favor is made of on both the title and the description. I did write her a very nice message back thanking her for the review, and let her know that I apologized if she was mislead, however it did state the materials in the listing description and title.
Also, while away earlier this week, the big order I rushed to complete was delivered to the customer. The customer was unhappy with the items and said she was disappointed with the quality. So in order to please them, I redid the order and refunded her completely. I was slaving over the order until past midnight last night (mind you I didn't get home from a trade show three hours away until 8:30pm) and left my house extra early to next day the package to them.
I appreciate everyone's business and most importantly I enjoy making things for customers!
Thanks so much Jess for the words of encouragement! I definitely can't let the small things get me down!