Today I'm joining in with Betsy from Heavens to Betsy for another addition of the link- up called The Guys Behind The Blog. I really enjoy this, because for once the guy who is responsible for helping me with my posts like taking outfit pictures, helping me cook a new recipe or just there to calm me down when there is so much on my to do list; is in the lime light! So here, for your reading pleasure today is Joe..
Me: If you could write a book, what topic would you write about and why?
Joe: I would write a book about beer. I enjoy learning about beer- I guess I should mention that I sell craft beer for a living!
Joe: I would write a book about beer. I enjoy learning about beer- I guess I should mention that I sell craft beer for a living!
Me: What is one thing on your bucket list, or one thing that you'd like to do or accomplish in your lifetime?
Me: If you could look out your window and only see one view for the rest of your life, what would you want to see?
Joe: Definitely the beach. I would love a nice ocean front property. That would be perfect!
Me: Imagine you're opening a shop. what are you selling?
Joe: I have a lot of shops I would like to open, but the first one would be a craft beer six pack shop. Possibly sandwiches too!
Me: If you could have 50lbs of anything other than money, what would it be?
Joe: Since I can't have 50lbs of money, I'll take 50lbs of gold or diamonds.. (he's a clever one!)
Me: Time to brag on your girl...tell us one thing that makes you proud of your girlfriend?
Joe: She is one of the most caring, thoughtful people I know. I wouldn't ask for anything more in a girlfriend. (Tears)
So until next time friends.. Thanks for stopping by!
He sounds like a man after my husband's heart...he loves to brew beer!