Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Thanksgiving Sangria

Thanksgiving is in two days!! AHH! Where has this year gone so far?? Are you attending a Thanksgiving dinner or lunch and don't have time to back or cook a side dish? How about you are hosting at your house and want to give your guest the perfect drink? I've got the answer for you! This recipe if super easy to make and will take you a whole 10 minutes of your time!


2 medium apples chopped and cored
1 750 mil. of pinot grigio ( I used a local made wine that was made with apples)
1 cup Caramel flavored vodka
6 cups apple cider


Combine wine, vodka, and cider in pitcher. Add the chopped apples to the pitcher or individual glasses. Serve over ice. Enjoy!

 photo d27c6805-c1e5-4cd1-9b33-6c4c09b4c046_zps6728e83e.png

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