Friday, March 6, 2020

Vincent Daniel | One Month

Oh hello there! remember me! 
I know it's been a hot minute since I posted here. Just have been busy getting used to the new family of four (plus Charger). But here I am, and I hope to get back on track with my daily/ weekly blog schedule!

Today (even though it's a month late) I wanted to give you Vinny's monthly update! He loves his head being rubber, especially when he's falling to sleep. LOVES eating. He is strictly on formula, but he could eat every hour if we let him! He's already rolled from his belly to his back, which I think it crazy for this little and he has a lot of control over his head already!

One Month: February 7, 2020
Weight: 9.13lbs
Height:  inches
Diet:  formula
Sleeping:  about 2-3 hours per night
Clothing Size: some newborn still, 0-3 months
Diaper Size: size 1's

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