Tuesday, July 2, 2019

DIY Lemonade Stand or 'Big Brother' Stand

As you may know from this post, we are expecting our second child and announced it with this adorable 'Big Brother Lessons' stand. 

It really was so easy to make, the only thing I would change is to use thicker wood to hold the sign up. We used a cardboard box we had, but it was a little too heavy for our wooden dowels.

I wanted to be able to take my stand apart (at least for now) to store it, so I actually used command strips to hold the crates together instead of nails or screws. When Joey gets a little older, and perhaps would want to make a lemonade stand one day, we will definitely be nailing it together!

There are so many different ways to make this, and like I said before, when Joey gets older and will actually use the stand we will definitely modify it, but for a temporary solution for now, this is what we came up with!

Materials Used: 

4 crates- you can also stain or paint them.
Command Strips - or nails 
2 wooden dowels (we used 1/4in) use thicker is sign is heavy
Card Board for sign- or wood (make sure to secure with screws and heavy dowels)
Duct tape for sign
Chalk paint for sign
Chalk for sign
Accessories for stand


Start by figuring out the design by lining up your crates however you want. You can design them however you want- one turned in, one turned out,  'shelf' with both top crates turned out - whatever you want! We used heavy duty command strips to make it temporary. Place one strip on each corner of the bottom crate and remove the backing of the top strip. Line back up and press down hard on the top crate so that the top crate sticks to the tape of the command strip. Do the same with the other side. To hold the crates together temporarily, I did the same thing with the command strips. I used four strips- one on each corner of the crate to hold to the other. 
* If you are using nails, do that same but replace the command strips with nails or screws (four- one in each corner of the crate) and then nail the crates together. 

For the dowels, I used command strip small hooks inside the crates to hold in place. We took our pictures outside on a windy day, so we needed some duct tape to hold the dowels from blowing away! For securing the sign we duct taped the back of the sign to the dowels. (you can see in the picture one was leaning- that was due to the wind that kept blowing it!)

For painting the sign, I used Martha Stewart chalk paint (two coats) on an extra piece of cardboard I had from a shipping box. I stenciled on the words using a chalk marker and then colored in with regular chalk!

Since our stand was a 'big brother' stand, we used baby toys and kept it simple. Be sure to check out the dollar section of Target if you plan on doing a lemonade stand- they have such cute accessories and garland you can use!

That's it.. so super easy! I'd love to see if you make your own either temporary or permanent stand!

 photo signature.png

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