Monday, October 23, 2017

Vintage Find: Copper Tea Kettle

Do you ever go into an antique store looking at every single vendors stuff, yet find not one thing.. that ALMOST happened to me a few weeks ago, until I was walking back out of the store and saw the most darling tea kettle hiding on a bottom shelf just begging to be purchased. Joe thought I was nuts considering this poor little key was practically black from tarnish. I knew it just needed a little TLC! 

First I cleaned the entire tea pot with a wet paper towel to remove any excess dirt that may be on it. I then made the following 'paste' to get some of that tarnish off:
1 cup white vinegar
1 tablespoon salt
add flour to form a paste consistency. 

I used a spoon to put it on the pot and rubbed it in with the back of the spoon.

Since my pot was very tarnished I left it on for an hour and then rinsed with warm water. I had missed some spots so I did it again and left it on for another 20 minutes. 

It's not perfect, but that's okay with me! I love the way it looks hanging in my kitchen, especially with my copper mugs!

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