Friday, June 16, 2017

House Renovation Update | Exterior

If you follow along, you may remember in December I made some home resolutions for this year. Home things got pushed back since we have been a little busy with having a newborn! But we decided in May to get some quotes to replace the siding on the house. We had some wind storms in the Spring and the siding was starting to come loose on the side of the house. We were nervous if we waited too long to fix it, the installation would damage causing more of an expense and headache.
Knowing that around this time next year, we most likely will be looking for bigger houses due to the amount of room babies take up, we didn't want to spend the large amount of money to replace all the siding. Instead we decided to go in the painting route for the existing siding. Our contractor was able to fix the loose siding on the side of the house so that wasn't an issue. 

I wanted a paint that matched the brick already in the front of the house, so I decided on Benjamin Moore Carlisle Cream. For the shutters I decided on Benjamin Moore Van Deusen Blue. I think this color really makes the shutters pop against the beige and bricks. 
Disclaimer.. this was NOT a DIY project. Our siding is aluminum so there had to be a special mixture of paint which included a special primer. If you are interested in painting your siding, I would consult with a contractor or your local paint store first!

While all this work was being done, I decided now was as good time as ever to cross another project off our list and re-landscape the front of the house. If you notice from the picture when we first moved into the house, there was three large ever green looking bushes. For some reason the one on the left and part of the one in the middle was dead and needed to be removed. We built up the retaining wall, planted new greenery and flowers and added new mulch. I think it makes the house look bigger without the huge trees! 

We also installed our new mailbox that has been sitting in our garage since our bridal shower last March! It's truly amazing what paint can do. The siding looks brand new! We are so pleased with how it turned out. 
Do you have any to do lists for this Summer? If so I would love for you to share them!
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