Saturday, December 31, 2016

2017 Blog Resolutions

I started this blog back in January 2013 and boy have things changed. In case you are new to these parts, the original name of The Ashley Maria Blog was called Heart & Stuff Blog. The meaning behind that name? Well you can check it out with this post here, but don't judge the quality pictures and graphics. Upon starting it, I basically used the blog as an outlet to say whatever I felt like or what was going on in my life. Sorta like a dear diary, but for the whole world to see. I look back at some of those old posts and think 'dear lord, what was I thinking'. But that is all part of the learning faze, and hey, it's MY blog.. so who cares, right!
Anyway, today my photos are much better and posts, I think at least; have much more purpose! In no way am I saying I'm a pro blogger, and actually if I met any big named bloggers I would probably be all little girl googley eyed. But that's here nor there! 
I've grown a lot in my knowledge of using blogging tools such as scheduling posts and social media shares and lord knows my picture quality and graphics are getting better even though I still have a lot of work to do! I thought it would be fun to do a blogger resolutions for the new year. Even though I will be busier then ever this coming year.. hello baby Joey arriving in April; but I think being busy keeps me more organized and motivated!

2017 Blogging Goals:
Image result for stock blog photos

 Better picture quality...
Sometimes it's just easier to snap a photo with my iphone then to pull out my heavy DSLR, but there is no comparison in the quality of picture. Also, going along with picture quality, I've been self teaching myself you use Lightroom better and presets, so that will save time when editing photos!
Pinterest ready images...
So many times taking a picture of a recipe for example is an afterthought. Even though this goes along with the first goal of better picture quality, I would like to get in the habit of making all my photo's 'pinterest ready' meaning easy for someone to link back to my blog if they see it on the site. 
Answering emails more timely...
Sadly, I fail when it comes to responding to emails in a timely fashion. Brands will send me emails about opportunities, I will open on my phone, and then forget about it... until it's to late to respond. I'm sure if I was better at doing this, I would have gotten a lot more paid blogging opportunities and sponsors. So, if you are one of the branders, my apologies and I promise to get better!
Weekly posts...
I'll have spurts where I have a new post scheduled every day, and then I'll go on a month absence and radio silent. It's not intentional, but sometimes I just don't have time to come up with everything that goes into a post. I want to get more organized using my google calendar and blogging resources better. 

Social media engagement...
This is something personally I don't have a problem with, but when it comes to my blog, I forget, neglect and right out shun my blogs presence on social media. Again, I need to get better at this. 
I used to have sponsors on my side bar, but due to time restraints, got rid of this option. I felt I couldn't support my sponsors like I wanted to, so if I can't do something fully, I don't want to do it at all. I WILL get better at this, because I miss engaging with other bloggers!
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