Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Happenings Lately

February is here! I have a lot of exciting things planned in February so the month will go by super fast. Then comes March. When I think of March (no matter how cold it is) I think of Spring. I will start to put some of my bulky sweaters away and ween in bright colors again! Ahh..Spring;
it needs to hurry up! Here are some highlights from my week
(all images via Instagram)
Have you checked out my shop lately? I finished these scratch off Save the Dates for a client and am so happy with them!
Joe & I enjoyed a nice dinner for his mom's birthday Saturday night. We ate way to much and still had tons of leftovers.
Found this poster in Joe's car (he is a salesman for Budweiser) and couldn't wait to see the commercial air during the Super Bowl.
We got 4 inches more of snow this week. I worked from home on Monday so I got the pleasure of being on snow removal duty. If it was just snow it wouldn't have been that bad, however it then was mixed with rain and sleet, forming a nice little slush. NOT FUN.

Hope everyone is off to a great start to their week! 
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