Tuesday, May 20, 2014

BBQ Outfits

I can not believe that Memorial Day is almost here. With the winter we had it felt like it would never come. But it is upon us, and I am gearing up for yet another successful party to host at the shore house! Last year was a dud since the weather did not cooperate and it was actually cold and rainy Memorial Day Weekend. This year I'm doing my sun dance (insert me waiving my arms and legs around) and hoping for sun, warm air, and a good tan to start the summer season. First things first though.. you must have a great outfit to attend all those BBQ's, and how fitting today I rounded up some key pieces! So check them out below:

1. Scarf  | 2. Sneakers | 3. Shirt  | 4. Tote |  5. Romper  | 6. Shorts | 7.  Overalls | 8. Dress 

What are some events you have going on for the Holiday? Do you host or attend a party?

 photo heartssignature_zps360fcd0a.png

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