Monday, December 23, 2013

Weekend are made for REST?

Since I didn't bring you a Fun Four Friday, I thought I would recap my weekend with you all today!
This weekend was NO different then any other.. ya know the usual- BUSY BUSY BUSY!! I did however spent some time on just myself.. which is not typical! Friday after work I went tanning (yes i know- insert gasp now), and for mani/pedi's with my roommate.  Followed by some sushi and thai! We ended the night by sipping some wine and watching Christmas movies!

Saturday, I supported some of my cheerleaders in a local high school competition! They were so excited to see me and I enjoyed just being a spectator and having NO stress!

Saturday night was so much fun! Some friends did a bar crawl at the local mall- yes you read that right a Mall Bar Crawl! We started inside and did all restaurants inside the mall and then did the outside ones! Oh and did I mention it was ugly Christmas sweater theme.. which I found it to be the perfect time to best out my Elf shirt! 

Sunday was spent in struggleville.. man am I getting old and can't hang with the youngins anymore! But when I did come to life, I decided to go where else but Target! They have started to put out their bikini's already! That was a pleasant site considering I wore flip flops there- on December 22- three days before Christmas!!! Seeing all the pictures on the internet inspired me to bake and I was bored too! I made some cutout sugar cookies, Hot cocoa cupcakes and brownies! 

Soo what did you do this weekend.. are you ready for the holidays?!

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