Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Life Update

Can you believe Thanksgiving is this week? Where oh where did this year go?? 

I have been absent here and there from the blog, mostly because I've just been so exhausted working and coaching that by time I get home at night, I'm in bed by 9pm. This baby is sure taking a lot out of me! Anyway, since I haven't done one in awhile I thought I would give you an update on what's been happening in the Melchionna household!

Last weekend I helped my best friend throw a surprise party for her husband! Since it was a surprise, we had to do everything under the radar, which made it so much fun! This was the invite we emailed out to all his friends. 
He was so surprised with all his family and friends in attendance. We all loved the baby pictures his mom brought for the cake table!

I made the favors from an idea we saw on Pinterest. Instead of their idea using mason jars, I made these translucent cups with custom logo then tied on the little bottle and cute tag & straw!

Originally for our Christmas photo's I wanted to do matching PJ's, so I purchased ones on Zulilly I liked. Instead we decided to go a different route with them. Charger did not mind trying on his matching onesie PJ's (he loves wearing loves wearing clothes!) and actually took a nap wearing them. 
Anyone else super excited for the 'Countdown to Christmas' movies on the Hallmark Channel? I love watching these movies, even though Joe says "They are all the same". True, but I still do love them! It really puts me in the spirit!

This past weekend we had some beautiful weather for part of the day Saturday, so I jumped on the band wagon with some of my neighbors and put the outside lights up. I didn't finish everything because right around the time the sun started to set a massive wind storm came. The day temp of 70 degrees then dropped to 30's and here comes the snow..  PA weather, what can I say!

Sunday, we were suppose to get our first annual Christmas pictures taken, however the snow from the night before mixed with the nasty wind would have made it a little difficult. We decided to reschedule for later this week!
Instead on Sunday I decided to put up the inside decorations. We are out of town this coming weekend for a wedding, so I figured I would take this free day to get it done. I usually NEVER would think of putting up Christmas decor before Thanksgiving, but if I get an opportunity I've gotta take it! Charger was the supervisor. Also, once we put his sweater on in the morning he DID NOT want to take it off. Like full on growling at us. I told you he loves to wear clothes!

So what have you all been up to lately? Got any fun Thanksgiving traditions you plan on doing this weekend?
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