Friday, October 18, 2019

Weekend Recap | October 2019

I'm currently battling a seasonal head cold, but what makes it worse, is because I'm pregnant, I can't take any medicine! But the weekend must go on, because one, it's October. and two, bring on all the fall activities!
Friday we started with our Family Movie Night, and you can read more about it here.
Saturday morning we started the day with heading to the Easton Farmer's Market for a little walking around. Joey enjoyed a chocolate chip cookie while Joe and I had tried the empanda's that everyone was walking around with. They didn't disappoint! When we left, we headed to New Jersey to visit family. First we stopped at Joe's 'Nanny's' house (his mom's mom). Joey loves going over there, because he has so much room to run around outside and it's fenced in. When we left there, we headed to Joe's other grandparents house, Nonna and Pop-Pop's. There we had a late lunch and Joey found every old toy he possibly could to play with. We headed home around 6 and got home for Joey to play a little bit and then settle into bedtime. 

Crew Neck | Wishing Elephant
Sunday we took a trip to the pumpkin patch! We went to Grim's and were one of the first ones there. During these fall weekends it gets absolutely packed, so we wanted to beat the rush! Joey has so much fun running around (and falling) in the patches. He of course found the biggest pumpkin- 25 pounds- and a bunch of little ones. It was such a fun day seeing the animals, being outside, eating the apple cider donuts!

Joey's Crew Neck | H&M (similar)
My Jeans | Old Navy (maternity)
My Shirt | Pink Blush (maternity)
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